Stay safe this Easter

09 April 2020

I, and the team at Chapters Financial, wish you, your family and your loved ones a safe Easter. The challenging times of the last month, and the days and weeks yet to come, have been a great concern for us all. Easter this year will of course not be the same, although virtual time together, online or by telephone, with others can hopefully be achieved.

Never has our NHS been so admired as they, along with other key workers across the country, form the front line of the fight against Covid-19. May they stay safe as they serve the country.

We will be available to answer any financial planning questions you may have, noting as we have in our last blog that we have moved into a new tax year (2020/2021). We have also produced a new client newsletter for the end of April, although we will now hold on to this until it is safe for postmen to deliver and will then send it out with this year's new tax cards. We will post an electronic copy of the newsletter on our website next week.

We all send you best wishes for this Easter and hope that you stay safe.

Keith Churchouse FPFS


CFP Chartered FCSI

Chartered Financial Planner

Chapters Financial Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, number 402899

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