Time to really think

17 April 2020

Life for us all can usually be a bit frantic. This pressure, real or perceived, is certainly greater since technology really gave a taster of what it was capable of.

Early Summer Newsletter 2020

14 April 2020

Stay safe this Easter

09 April 2020

I, and the team at Chapters Financial, wish you, your family and your loved ones a safe Easter.

Business as usual...just different

19 March 2020

Concerns for the health of family, colleagues, friends and the like are at the front of all our minds, along of course with our own personal welfare in the face of the global Covid-19 pandemic.

The leap to a new enterprise?

11 March 2020

A new decade (and a leap year) has arrived in 2020 and some have paused to reflect on their work life and the way their future employment might be modelled.